Satellite Based Ground Movement Monitoring (GMMS)

Geohazard Managementvia+ identifies and monitors the effects of ground movement on pipelines. Our ground movement monitoring service (GMMS) detects some of the most common hazards that impact buried pipelines, including:

  • Slope movement
  • Seismic activities
  • Ground subsidence
  • Heave

These types of movement can impact a buried pipeline instantaneously or incrementally. Over time the cumulative effects of movements can impact pipeline integrity.

Small movements are usually characterized in terms of centimeters per year or less. via+ has demonstrated that these movements and the assessment of their impacts can be successfully monitored and analyzed with the use of radar satellite technology. The benefits of our GMMS service are:

  • Cost savings in pipeline operation and maintenance
  • Demonstration of due diligence by improved practices beyond current standards

GMMS is an ideal solution for operators whose pipelines are prone to ground movement hazards.

Whether the causes of ground movement are seasonal, episodic, sudden, irregular or continuous, via+ can design a remote sensing program to meet your company's needs.

Using via+'s GMMS service demonstrates a company's serious commitment to higher standards of environmental and regulatory due diligence.

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Posthaste: Why Enbridge is planning to build a deepwater crude oil export terminal in Texas…

About via+

via+'s vision is to be the premier pipeline integrity consulting and services supplier worldwide in all aspects of the management of external load pipeline hazards, including: Mechanical Damage and Geohazards.

Contact via+

Lacey Court, Suite 100, 344 12th Ave. SW
Calgary, Alberta T2R 0H2
Tel: (403) 703-2746
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.